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By: Aqmarina Andira


The rise of digital media creates massive waves of technological exodus, from print to digital. Just like Plato's critique on writing, lots of people who love printing, try to speak out loud and declare that they are against it. But considering the effectiveness and the efficiency, the rapid growth of digital media just cannot be barricaded any longer. It is a 'progress' and you just got to go with it.


So is print is dead?


To answer that question, we probably better to look at 'The Graphic Unconscious', an exhibition that was held by Philagrafika. In this fabulous exhibition, we can witness how great, how beautiful, how important, and how we depend our life on print for such a long time. 

The Graphic Unconscious:

Is Print Dead?

Photo credits: Greenhouse Media

So now what do you think? Do you think digital media is killing the print? Or we still need print and we still can't life without it?


Well for me personally, the print will live. It will survive. At least as long as my generation still exist in this Earth. We were born and growing up with print. It is always around us, wherever and whenever we are. So yeah, it will stick.


But for the next generation? Hmmm, I prefer to give them freedom of choice. Digital or print? Whatever will suits them the most. It is their life, not mine.



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